My word to best describe last year was Change. The most change Danny & I have ever experienced in one year…he retired, we sold our home & property in the country of 45 years, & moved to a new state. We’re currently living in a big city & downtown. We were apart almost as much as we were together, changed doctors, dentists, insurance, drivers license’s & more. Florida doesn’t quite feel like home yet, but I am so happy to be out of Kansas & spending more time with Sara & her girls.
Looking forward to 2025….
There is already a lot on the calendar. We have a wonderful wedding to look forward to when Luke & Jordan get married in June in beautiful Lake Tahoe. We have upcoming trips planned to see Hayden in California & Las Vegas, which also means getting to see the boys, Jordan & Leia. We are in the middle of trying to plan our summer. Believe it or not, as much as I love to travel & am a huge list maker, I’m am not a big planner when it comes to details scheduled months out. It always feels overwhelming to me. When I travel, it’s all just on the fly. I know which directions I’m going, have lots of things I might like to do, but no reservations, or set times I need to be somewhere. And because I’m usually solo, I can change my mind on a daily (sometimes hourly) basis. This summer is also different because instead of traveling solo, Danny will be with me (hopefully) during a lot of travel. But, he still has his own travels he wants to make to his lake house in Missouri. And, the biggest issue is our cats…elderly, but we don’t feel like we can just be gone for 3 or 4 months & leave them to a cat sitter.
definition: willingly & enthusiastically accept or support a belief, theory or change
That’s my word for 2025. That’s my emotion, my action, my way forward.
Embrace everything that came with all of last years changes —pros & cons.
Embrace my own personal challenges & goals. And likewise….
Embrace the parts of me I’m good with…my wonder & curiosity, being a social elephant, & knowing that words & tears come as easily as laughter & hugs.
Embrace the quiet & stillness & sometimes boredom, that I fight so much (unless I’m on a trail or in camp…its always been easy to embrace those moments & I’m never bored there!)
Embrace the planning, changes, blips, & bumps that I don’t want…to find a way to not fight those things that are way out of my control, but to turn them into something else, a new but different experience.
Embrace aging….there’s so much piled into this one; but I’m so grateful, everyday I’m grateful, that my health is good. But I do struggle to see the positive sides of the things my body doesn’t want to do or do as easily as it did a few years ago. And, my months of illness in 2023 have done nothing for my confidence. I’m am 95% back to normal & so thankful for that…so very very thankful, but I am changed from the experience, both mentally & physically.
Embrace simplicity & minimalism—I feel like I’ve moved away from this former mentality of mine. I’ve shopped more than ever this year making this little rental a cozy home for us. And, we both agree I’ve been successful. I keep forgetting everything we let go of when we move from 40 acres & 45 years in one house, but I want my old minimalistic lifestyle back.
Embrace positivity first & don’t follow the path of negativity.
Embrace experiences: new friends, new places to explore & new activities. I’ve had this one mastered for years, but it never hurts to remind myself to keep trying to achieve my dreams, to travel out of my comfort zone & to always be open to others.
So here’s to 2025…let’s be the dancers & drivers of our own life & see how it goes!
Wishing us all a Happy 2025!

Exploring Florida!...checking out all things “fun” in our new home state