Claire & Emma…Orlando, FL 5.2018

We both couldn’t wait to get back to Florida to see Claire, Emma & Sara & Kevin!  We knew Emma would change so much in the 3 months since we’ve seen her…& she had!  It was Sara’s long weekend to work nights, so we mostly stayed around the house loving every moment we spent with the girls & enjoying Kevin’s company.  Grandpa & Claire played in the pool, we ran in the backyard, read books, danced, took a walk to the lake & told stories.  Claire had her school ‘pet’ Caleigh the Cow which went with her everywhere & was documented by photos & then pasted in the school book & returned on Tuesday.  Sara was off work one day, but we all stayed busy with Claire’s first dentist appointment, a trip to the park (Claire is fearless!) & swim lessons.  So, here’s a few of the 200+ photos Danny & I took in 4 days!  

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Claire’s favorite new hobby is kissing Emma! Emma is already a tough little girl never once fussing at being woken up to Claire’s hand-holding, slobbery kisses & giant hugs!

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And the silly selfie’s continue!

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It gets tougher & tougher to leave this sweet super busy family.  We both wish we could visit more often & could be more helpful too.  Hopefully we get to see them all in August…it can’t come soon enough!

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