Day 33 at home…yikes!

I have been trying to walk everyday…get out for 5 miles or so & get on the trails…mostly just the one trail I hike.  It’s a tiny little mountain bike trail that parallels the brown & muddy river.  At it’s longest it’s about a 9 mile loop & that includes a couple of hills that are maybe 30’ climb.  I do enjoy this trail, but the same old thing gets boring pretty quick.  I made a list of local parks & trails & vowed that once a week I’d try something new.  And, I have.  But, I’ve also found unmaintained, poison-ivy covered trails….I know not a ton of people in Kansas hike & those that do, seem to love it, not minding the flat brown scenery & short distance.  Besides being a trail-snob, I’m unwilling to drive 6 hours to hike a 2 mile trail…that’s just me.  

I did take an urban walk last week in Lawrence, to find some of the many murals in this quirky town I live near & claim as my own.

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And I didn’t even find them all.  The next day, Danny & I went into Kansas City, hunting some specific beer & I found a few more  downtown.

I may not be much of a museum person, but I do love finding murals when I travel & even when I’m at home.  I love a town that will embrace the arts, in so many raw forms.

Usually in the fall, I get busy crafting.  Making a Halloween costume (my favorite holiday), Christmas gifts, any fun projects I can think of.  But, this year I’m lacking in all of that.  I’m not going to spend Halloween with the grand girls (boo! hoo!) & no plans to need a costume.  I’m practically done with my Christmas shopping; having bought everything early since I doubt we’ll be seeing the girls over the holidays so Ill need plenty of time to wrap & ship their gifts.

The only fun project I did, was to create some spooktacular! stuff to send to Emma & Claire for Halloween! (So bummed I dont get to spend this fun day with them!)

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At this point, I bet you’re wondering why you’re wasting your time reading this boring blog?  It feels like its been a boring month here at home. October has some gorgeous weather, & I have enjoyed mornings in the rock garden drinking coffee, evenings on the porch sharing a good beer with Danny & many meals sitting outside eating dinner.  We celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary this month too.  

But, I am not one that loves being quiet or still.  I love to go & do stuffall the time.

A couple of weeks ago, I was interviewed by my friend Sherry Ott.  She is a professional traveler & has had an extraordinary life around the world.  Her website, Ottsworld is filled with world adventures & great info.  She is also a foster-kitten mom when she is at home…I love her kitten-stories. I met her a few years ago & we became fast friends.  We’ve hiked together, I’ve met her sweet Mom & Dad & she’s kindly let me stay at her place in Denver a couple of times during my travels.  She had the opportunity to guest host a podcast for her friend Traveling Jackie & Jump Adventures.  And, she asked me if I’d be her first guest!  I was excited because I love to talk travel & car camping!  We’ve done a couple of other things together before….an article & an IG story.

And, so we visited about all things car camping while she recorded.  Here’s the link if you want to take a listen!  After the session, we visited about what’s going on in our lives & caught up a bit.

Then a little trip magic seeped into the conversation.  Sherry had a trip planned & had invited her niece & a couple of friends to join her.  It was coming up fast, but she threw out the invitation to me.  I told her it was a long shot, but I’d look into it.  It would be my first international travel where I would be flying into somewhere.  Then there was Covid making it feel riskier.  I’ve had a lot of expensive car repairs lately to my 4Runner, so the money thing was also on my mind.  I don’t speak the language or know the currency of the place.  So many what if’s?  Then, while talking it over with Danny the next night, he said, “You’re letting all those what if’s get in your way”.  And, that was all it took.  He was right & I knew if I said no to this trip, I’d regret it.  So, I booked my flight & bought some foreign currency & am trying to learn a few basic phrases in this new language. 

So, check back soon & read about my next adventure.  Say yes! to life, to new opportunities, to discovering new places & to adventure!   Wweroiweuprou                                                                                                                                                 © Vicki Hill 2025