What a great spring & summer of travel it had been & into the fall with a hot trip to Texas.  

I got back from Texas at 3:30am on a Sunday & at 2pm that afternoon Danny & I took my mother in law to the ER for a non-cancer related problem.  To make a really, really long & boring story short, when she was ready to be released from the hospital, I was voted “Most Available to Be a 24/7 Caregiver”.  (*No one asked me.  I didn’t vote for myself.)  

I’d already had a trip planned to Florida to watch the girls, while Sara & Kevin went on their own trip to Colorado.  Thankfully, so very very thankfully, I was still able to go.  Danny’s sister came up to our house to stay with Phyllis while I was gone.  But, Danny was broken hearted he was not able to go…so broken-hearted.

Phyllis is doing better & eating normally, but much more fragile than she has been. We’ve had PT, OT & Visiting Nurses here.  We have grab bars & a raised toilet seat in the bathroom & a new GPS Lifeline.  She trying to use a walker but leaves it behind frequently. Danny has taken her to the lake a couple of times to get more clothes & more stuff & to check on her property.  

But for me, after practically living outside most of the spring & summer & into the fall, I’m going nuts.  *And, I’m not a great care giver; not even mediocre.  *Being stuck here for 12 or 13 hours a day, 5 days a week…well, I suck at this. *And everyone in the family, including Danny, would probably agree. But on the other hand, Danny is still working 50 hours a week & her other kids haven’t volunteered. *Many nights when Danny gets home from work around 6:30 or 7pm, I dash out the door to go…do…something!  Im trying to embrace walking late at night up & down Mass street in the cold & dark…but thats not going so well.

However, Phyllis has made plans to go visit her son in Arizona & stay for Christmas.  Im sure they will all have a great time. Besides her son & his wife (both retired), she also has two grandkids & two great grandkids there & it will be warm.  And, it will be Christmas! I dont know if shes ever spent Christmas there before. 

Fall is usually the time I tackle projects. I had fewer on my list than normal for this fall, hoping instead to hit my pitiful two trails around here often to keep in shape & maybe kayak more frequently too—to be outside. *That plan is not working with the current set up.  

So, the first thing I did when I could was a big closet project.  I really want a Gear Roombut, thats not happening.  So, I figured out a way to switch some stuff around & put the gear closet in the room I sleep in.  This worked & everything fit well…all the sleeping bags are hung, as well as all the packs.  The tents & rest of the gear are in there too.  When I pack for a trip, I usually stage it in my room, so this will also be super convenient.  And, crazily, it makes me happy to be by all my gear!

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The next project on my list was to make a rag quilt for Emma for her 2nd Christmas.  I took a Saturday & went to buy fabric.  These are the fastest & most forgiving quilts to make.  And, this is the 13th one I’ve made.  I’ve learned to put it together pretty efficiently.    I’m happy with all the colors & fabrics & made her an additional tiny one she can use for her dolls.

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My next super fast project was to re-purpose Mrs. Potato Head into Santa…Potato-Santa Ho Ho Ho!   I dug into my stash (my way too-big stash) of fabric, & spent a couple of hours making the change.  It worked & I like it!  SantaCon will be in about 3 weeks & I’m excited to see my friends (*I’ve haven’t been seeing many of them in the past couple of months) & have a rowdy day out bar hopping in Lawrence.

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I have read sooooo very very many books while at home.  I usually make about 3 trips a week to the library…they’re open at late in the evenings & I love my local library!  So, I’ve been going there to escape.  I spend hours & hours reading.

I’ve bought (Thanks Amazon Prime!  You’re a great way to shop when stuck at home!) all my Christmas.  

I’ve wrapped all my Christmas.

I’ve cleaned & cooked & cleaned & cooked…my to-do list is all checked off.

As I type, it’s Thanksgiving Eve.   It’s usually only the three of us for Thanksgiving…it’s been that way for quite a few years, so nothing new or different there.  While it’s my least favorite holiday, the best part about it is Danny is off work for 5 days. 

But despite all my bitching & whining, I am thankful for so many things.  

I really am.  

I just need to learn to quit bitching & whining.

Happy Holidays.  I hope everyone’s is wonderful!

*denotes bitching & whining   Wweroiweuprou                                                                                                                                                 © Vicki Hill 2025