3. Happy Birthday to me…Florida 1.2011

we left early this morning....Jan had a mid-afternoon flight from Orlando to Kansas City.  we had an uneventful drive north...making our 25th through 29th u-turns along the way! (just teasing...we’ve pulled so many u’s we’ve lost track!)

we met up with Sara (yeah!) before the flight for a nice lunch & a little visit.  we dropped Jan & the airport, shared hugs, & said our good-byes.  we’ll miss her on this leg of the trip having enjoyed her company so much the past few days!

after we left the airport, we starting planning our next three upcoming super-busy, fun-filled days.  then we went to check-in to our hotel...we’re staying at the Caribbean Resort at Disney...& WE’RE ALL SO EXCITED!

as we walked around our disney-neighborhood, this was in the center of one of the pools...sort of a “sequence-shot”

we ended up meeting Sara at “downtown disney” for the evening...just walking around taking it all in. here are some random pics from there....


about 9pm we all felt exhausted...so we drove back to the hotel & headed to bed (well, one of us is working on this website...but we have no internet service, so it won’t get published tonight)

check back tomorrow.....the magic begins!

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 vikhill@gmail.com   Wweroiweuprou                                                                                                                                                 © Vicki Hill 2025