3. Lots of Celebrating!…December 2019

We did a few other things than play with the girls, but that’s mostly what we want to do when were here.  But the little bit of time we took away from our girls-visit, we really enjoyed.  This page is dedicated to those ‘other’ things we did….

Wowwe found a great new (to us) brewery within about 5 minutes of Saras house.  Hourglass Brewery had a ton of really good beers.  Wed end up there three times.  So fun to have someplace so close & so good.  No traffic or much time to get there.  The staff was super friendly too.  Im sure well be back here almost every trip.

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We found a new local lake to walk to from Saras house.  The sidewalks arent great for strollers or little bitty bikers, but for two people out for a stroll it was nice.

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The Nanny was with the girls today & we had made lunch plans.  But we took off before sunrise & headed to the Atlantic.  We missed the rise on the beach but it made for a beautiful drive east.  We spent the morning on three different beaches, walking, reading, people & wave watching.  Ocean-watching never grows old.

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One of Luke’s best friends & one of my favorites, Steve met us at my fave place to eat in Melbourne called The Mansion. The three of us enjoyed a 4 hour lunch..fabulous!

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We’d planned on seeing Danny’s cousin Larry & his wife & mother yesterday.   But Vivian, his mom, was having health issues & had to go to the ER then was admitted.  She didn’t feel like having company (who does when they’re sick & in the hospital?) but we made plans for the next day to have lunch with Larry & Janet.  They took us to a locally loved place out on the water serving fresh seafood.  The food was good but the company was so very enjoyable!  Larry is caregiving for his mom & his plate is full to say the least.  I feel for him.  By the time we left Florida, his mom was back at his home but in Hospice care.  She doesn’t have her own home & has lived with Larry or his sister for past several years.  

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On the way back to the house, they took us to White Sands Retreat…a big surprise to find this in Florida.  But, it was definitely a welcoming peaceful place & I’m glad to know of a place like this.  Maybe I’ll be back another time.

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Leaving Florida & heading home.

The good byes to the girls were said at Disney because once in the car, they were out from the big day. After everyone arrived back at the house from Disney…all of us exhausted, we gave out hugs & said good byes & one of us leaked a few tears.   

We hit the road about 11pm.  Driving, driving, more driving, more & more driving.

We took a short detour on the way home through Land Between the Lakes…Danny had never been there before.  If you ever think I’m a brave person, just ask Danny about me driving on a back muddy road trying for a view of the lake.  He will without a doubt tell you, I am not brave.  It was my least favorite part of the ride home for sure.  

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The last sunset of the trip while leaving Land Between the Lakes.

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We arrived home at 12:30am & I fell right into bed.  Danny had driven most of this trip.  It took us 25 1/2 hours to get back to the house.  I had caught a virus from Claire a few days ago & I was worthless to drive.  But, I would rather come home with a virus & wonderful memories & heart filled with love & joy, than to have stayed home & be healthy but heartbroken not to see our little grand girls.  It had been a super wonderful spectacular trip.  And, as always, we have to be grateful for the moments we have with the girls, rather than dwelling on what we’re missing when we’re not there. Leaving is always hard, but Emma’s birthday is next month & WE GET TO GO BACK!!!

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 vikhill@gmail.com   Wweroiweuprou                                                                                                                                                 © Vicki Hill 2025